Saudi Arabia Investment Guide


The purpose of this report is to provide businesses and organisations with a detailed and accessible overview of the investment environment of Saudi Arabia. This will include a theoretical as well as practical understanding of the “Guidelines to Investment” that businesses can use as a starting point when considering growth.

The report will therefore be organised as follows:

1) an overview of key concepts and relevant contextual information;

2) an analysis of the current investment environment; and finally culminating with

3) guidelines to be followed by businesses when entering the Saudi market.

This report is mainly concerned with the domestic hurtles a company would have to go through if they were to invest today. A separate report will outline a scenario analysis in order to justify a prediction for the future of the country. Both reports together will provide a very clear picture of current, near, and medium-term Saudi Arabia for businesses.

Please click on the following link to view the full report that is available for download in PDF format: Saudi Arabia Investment Guide.pdf